Can The Volume Be Adjusted During The Event If It’s Too Loud
Can The Volume Be Adjusted During The Event If It’s Too Loud? Hint: Volume is relative to the surroundings in which the event is taking place. Larger rooms may require more sound reinforcement, whereas, smaller venues may require less. Placing guests with sensitive hearing next to speakers or in corner is a recipe for disaster. […]
What Age Groups Do You Usually Cater To
What Age Groups Do You Usually Cater To? Hint: DJs that lack appropriate experience and music knowledge tend to identify with the age group and music they are most familiar with. In many cases, what they grew up with. Specific experience that relates to your age group and type and style of dance is vital […]

What Is the Standard Wedding Attire for Your DJs
What Is the Standard Attire for Your DJs? Are Jeans & T-shirt acceptable to you? Hint: Dressing for success plays a vital role in business. Meeting in person, before your book your event, can give you a good indication of the professionalism or success of the DJ entertainment you’re considering. You have the choice to […]
Do You Offer Packages
Do You Offer Packages? HINT: Weddings have become more complex and Packages can be confusing. Make sure that packages list the specific times & itemized prices to assure that you’re getting a fair deal. BE CAREFUL when selecting entry level packages. They are designed to limit your choices to keep the price low in order […]
When Do You Typically Set Up Your Equipment
When Do You Typically Set Up Your Equipment? Hint: Make sure you arrange with your DJ entertainment when they plan on arriving and setting up for your event. Before the guests arrive, during the reception or just before the dance starts? Overlooking this detail could cause unnecessary stress and disruption to you and your event. […]