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What Does the Ledger Column for Non Billed Administrative Work and Supplies Represent

What Does the Ledger Column for
Non Billed Administrative Work and Supplies Represent?

This is an accounting of time, resources and supplies that we’ve invested into dealing with the community spraying project, which is over and above our fair and equitable participation contribution.

Mowing of 7th St to HWY 81 offers a three-fold benefit.

* removes a substantial mosquito breeding habitat affecting Bakke subdivision
* assists water runoff in exiting Bakke subdivion
* improves the entrance appeal of Bakke subdivion

By removing long grass the area(s) dry faster which limits the breeding habitat for mosquitos.   The 2009 spray season cost for Bakke subdivions dropped significantly, in part, as a result of this additonal mosquito prevention measure.   Any areas of longer grass that can be removed is an easy way to help reduce mosquito breeding habits.

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