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Archive for Honeymoon

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FDA Warning About Swine Flu Scams

FDA Warning About Swine Flu Scams

The FDA warns consumers to be wary of H1N1 (Swine Flu) scams. Consumers are cautioned against false claims of treatment(s) intended to prey on fears while vaccine and REAL Tamiflu is being rationed. The FDA strongly warns people against buying Tamiflu without a prescription. In a recent test conducted by the FDA – 20% of […]

Wedding, You and the Swine Flu

Wedding, You and the Swine Flu

  We live in a unique time! Worldwide Mass Transit can place a person on multiple continents within hours.   Our lifestyles can place us in congested areas where we come in contact with hundreds, if not thousands of people everyday.   Coming in contact with illness and disease can be a mere cough, sample of food or touch […]